
How to Clean Outdoor Furniture

Outdoor furniture may be dirty. Proper cleaning your outdoor furniture will also extend their service life and make them look as new as when buy them. Here are some tips of how to clean the outdoor furniture.

Firstly, let’s learn how to clean the wooden outdoor patio furniture.
Brush or rinse off any loose dust, debris and other sources of dirt on the furniture. Make a mixture by combining the brown (lye) soap and water. Use the damp cloth which is dipped into the soap water. Then rinse the furniture with clean water. At last dry it with clean dry cloth. Do not put the furniture under the blazing sun.

Secondly, let’s learn tips on plastic furniture cleaning.
Brush or rinse off any loose dust, debris and other dirt found on the furniture. Wear gloves to scrub the furniture with soapy water. Rinse carefully with lots of water.

Thirdly, let’s learn how to clean the outdoor furniture cushions or umbrellas
Rinse or brush off the cushions or umbrella so that most of the loose dust or debris is removed. Make a solution with one part detergent or soap, depending on how dirty the cushions or umbrellas are. Then scrub the cushions or the umbrella in the solution.

